Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Relationship between Music-Astronomy-Math

Hypatia - one of the first women to study math, astronomy and philosophy

Handwrites & old Papers say that Plato said: the strongest of all life’s influences is music!

The Harmony of the World, 1619,The Keller's book describes that suggestion with mathematic and astronomy;

The new technology couldn't ignore them yet; what you can say about relationship between music in sky and mathematics and world harmony?

According to Plato we can 5 science of mathematics:
(I)Arithmetic, (II) 3-dimensional geometry, (III) plane geometry, (IV) Astronomy, (V) Music;
Perhaps music and astronomy can't match in our mind with other items;

For describing this section you can find a lot of information that most of them try to say that the world made of signals and music is too! Or , but of them can match with mathematics and so on;

About astronomy, the first reference is Pythagoras or Plato's Republic;
And actually when you read them you can not analyze them to only sections and because their subject that consist in music, philosophy, mathematics, geometry and astronomy are mixed peacefully and very nice!